Audience Participation

PLACE | 2022.1.24

In the US and many other countries, you may only ever be reminded that you’re sharing a darkened movie theater with hundreds of other people when a ripple of laughter or the occasional gasp erupts; in India, however, the cinema is a collective and interactive experience.

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대표 임한혁 사업자번호 1342479581

통신판매업 제 2019-안양동안-0925호

기업은행(임한혁) 185-081660-01-036

경기도 군포시 엘에스로 115번길 53 JMD빌딩 4층

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대표 : 임한혁 사업자번호 : 134-24-79581 "사업자확인"
통신판매업 신고 : 제 2019-안양동안-0925호

기업은행(임한혁,에이앤비메이커) 185-081660-01-036(온라인고객전용계좌)

개인정보관리책임자 : 임한혁

주소 : 경기도 군포시 엘에스로 115번길 53 JMD빌딩5층 (4층)
+82 (0)2-1833-8784 (내선3번) (Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00)

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